Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Human Variation And Race Blog

1. High levels of solar radiation negatively impacts the survival of humans by disturbing homeostasis. If too much ultraviolet radiation hitting one’s skin can cause the breakdown of one of the B vitamins- folate, which may result in anemia. Women who don’t have enough folic acid are at a higher risk of having miscarriages or babies with neural tube defects. Folate is also essential for DNA replication in the process of dividing cells, so a lack of it may result in the reduction of production of sperm cells. Also, the more sunlight children are exposed to, the greater chance they will develop multiple sclerosis. It also obviously causes skin cancer. Having dark skin in northern latitudes can prevent people from producing enough vitamin D and can result in rickets disease in kids and osteoporosis in adults.

2. An example of a short term adaptation humans have to cope with high levels of solar radiation is perspiration. One loses heat through many sweat glands in evaporative cooling. Perspiration is considered to be the "most important factor in heat dissipation" according to the book.

An example of a developmental adaptation is the presence of the pigment called melanin. The number and size of melanin particles as well as the percentages of different kinds of melanin determine skin color. If someone has a higher percentage of pheomelanin their skin will probably be more red to yellow color, and those who have a higher percentage of eumelanin will

probably be more dark brown to black colored


An example of a developmental adaption is the presence of the pigment called melanin. The number and size pf melanin particles as well as the percentages of different kinds of melanin determine skin color.If someone has a higher percentage of pheomelanin their skin will probably be more red to yellow color, and those who have a higher percentage of eumelanin will probably be more dark brown to black colored.

Examples of cultural adaptations are sunglasses, hats, clothes and sunscreen. Before people spend a day in the sun, they will usually apply sunscreen to prevent or reduce risk of skin damage and tanning. People also wear sunglasses, hats and extra clothing (beach cover-up) to protect themselves from solar radiation.

3. It is beneficial to study human variations from this perspective across environmental clines because it helps to show why certain people have health problems, or are healthier than others or have the skin tone they do, or why it is beneficial to have the skin tone that they do. By looking at the clines of solar radiation (where melanin is protective) versus clines of solar vitamin D absorption (where melanin is not protective) it shows that in areas where UV protection is needed, skin color is darker, and where people need more vitamin D more than they need UV protection, their skin is lighter. By using UV radiation as a factor in studies like malnutrition among children indicating high frequencies of rickets disease, or vitamin D related to healthy pregnancies, it can be useful to figure out that certain people need more vitamin D, or need to be in the sun less or more to be healthier. In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers found that prenatal vitamins should contain higher doses of vitamin D, especially in the northern US. 16% of African Americans and 53% of European Americans had enough vitamin D in their bodies at the end of their pregnancies. Therefore, the information that was gathered from UV rays’ connection with vitamin D, and anthropological studies became the basis of further research for human nutrition and pregnancy.

4. Race is influenced by levels of solar radiation, especially in the developmental adaptation of the presence of melanin. Race is the result of the adaptations, especially those that are genetic and longer lasting. Race is the result of different environmental clines and the different makeup of melanin in individuals. It is one of the many adaptations to deal with high levels of solar radiation. The study of environmental influences on adaptations is a better way to understand human variation than by the use of race because race is the result of many different adaptations. These adaptations are what is a key to these major variations and changes in the appearance and makeup of humans. Environmental influences are what must be studied in order to learn about why there is variation among humans, especially skin color. It is interesting to learn why there is variation, because it shows that our bodies are influenced by many simple things that we wouldn’t even think of like the sun or altitude.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Language Post

When I was unable to use symbolic language, like no speaking or typing, I found it to be difficult. I had to keep thinking of new ways to convey certain emotions and phrases I wanted to say.My partner had to do all of the talking, and he tried to ask me yes/no questions so we could still have a conversation. Instead of asking how work went for me, he asked if work was hard or long or good or bad. He was laughing a lot because it was weird that I wasn't being vocal in the conversation, and couldn't contribute to the flow of the conversation at all either. I had to depend on him to do all the talking and communicating. The culture who uses symbolic language has the advantage in communicating complex ideas. The speaking culture might think the other culture is less intelligent since they use only physical embellishments to communicate instead of voice, which is simpler. Some individuals in our culture who have difficulty communicating with spoken language are mute people, deaf people, people with brain damage after accidents, and people with mental disabilities. It affects how these individuals interact with others because they have to use physical actions instead of just talking to communicate. They use sign language with their hands, motions, pointing, writing, or voice output communication aids. Therefore, they have to work twice as hard to communicate in very creative ways.I was not able to last the full 15 minutes of communicating without any physical embellishments. It made it difficult because once I could no longer use vocal intonation, I would think to turn to signals, or body movements to convey what I wanted to say. Therefore, I had to think of even more clever ways to communicate. It was also hard to keep a monotone voice and not change my vocal intonation. My partner found it amusing with the way I was talking. I was talking to my boyfriend, and he showed me a picture of us on his phone and instead of me smiling and being like "Awe!", I had to say, "Awe. That's. so. cute." completely emotionless. It made it difficult for him to figure out how I felt because I was expressionless. He didn't know if I was tired, or bored or didn't want to talk to him, which was kind of funny. This experiment clearly exemplifies that non-speech language techniques are almost essential in our ability to communicate effectively. It is impossible to tell what someone feels if they do not convey emotion. Saying "I love you" with no vocal intonation wouldn't be meaningful. Saying "I love you" with a gentle, loving tone and perhaps a hug conveys so much more. Therefore, non-speech language techniques bring to life feeling and emotion, and bring meaning to a conversation.
There are definitely some people who have difficulty reading body language. Knowing how to read body language is an important adaptive benefit because it can save you from bad, uncomfortable, and avoid-worthy situations. For example, if you are walking along the street and see a dog coming towards you with narrowed eyes, showing their teeth, and anxious, as if they're ready to pounce, if you understood their body language, you would run the other way. If you didn't know, you might try to pet the dog or get closer, and end up getting bitten and/or attacked. An environmental condition where there could be a benefit to not read body language is in a classroom. Some students who cross their arms, wear their sweatshirt hoods, refuse to make eye contact, or look down may be some of the brightest students in the class. They just might not like speaking to the entire class, or are very shy. By not reading their body language and calling on them, you might be shocked by the fact that they are in tune with the class, and do have something thoughtful to say. The same goes with people who are exhibiting those same shy/reserved body languages. Talking to someone like that could make their day. Maybe they're too shy to make friends or initiate a conversation, but by talking to them, they could gain a new friend. Another environmental condition where it would be beneficial to not read body language would be if a band was performing to a crowd of people who look bored. If the band pays attention to the body language, they might get upset or angry and stop trying very hard. If they push through and focus on putting on the best show ever and remain positive, they could gain fans. Plus, Some bored looking fans may just be too exhausted to rock out.